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About us

My First Jewish Readers is a reading series written for our children; our goal was to make a holistic reading program that makes learning how to read a fun and meaningful experience. We have carefully crafted all our stories to make them fun and meaningful encounters that our children and students can read, think about and learn from.

Educationally our readers are founded on effective researched-based pedagogy, in best educational practice. What sets us apart is we have focused on the reader as well. Reading in context for children is inherently important especially in their early educational years and is shown to have great benefits in their academic progression. Our readers focus on the child, their world and their culture to provide them with the best opportunities for success.

Our promise

Most important of all, we have focused on what is best for the spiritual and moral development, chinuch al tahras hakodesh, of the reader. All our books contain Torah values, kosher images and lessons that your children and students can relate to.


Our promise to you is to provide a reading program that is uncompromising in its educational value, while promoting our Torah values and commitment towards chinuch al taharas hakodesh.


We hope your children and students enjoy them as much as our children have!